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Great Anger Stories
By Visitors Just Like You

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

There are some great anger stories on this site, and here is your chance to see some of the best ones in one place!

Let this inspire you! The more you contribute, the more you receive. 

Research by Dr. James Pennebaker of the University of Texas in Austin has shown that writing your story can be very healing, emotionally and even physically.

opening up book

Try it, and see if you don't feel better as a result.

Free and easy mental and emotional health benefits--that's the value you get from simply writing your story or asking your question.

You can do this, and when you do, you will discover the ability you have to help yourself simply by telling your story.

Here are some steps you can take for writing your story:

  • Focus on your feelings. Don't hold back in giving full expression to your deepest and strongest emotions.
  • Write this for yourself only. That way you don't have to worry about how anybody else might react. If you choose to share it with someone later, that's another matter, but for now just do it for yourself.
  • Don't try to be fair or kind to others while you're writing, as that will only water down your emotions and keep you from getting the full release you're looking for. If you feel a need to write about others involved, you can do that separately.
  • Write until you feel you have told the whole story. You'll know when you're done when you just run out of things to say.

There's quite a bit more to this, which you can explore by reading Opening Up: The Healing Power Of Expressing Emotions by Dr. James Pennebaker.

Submit Your Anger Stories

Now, it's time for us to see your anger stories. Just fill out the form below, and you'll be on your way!

Be sure and include the following:

  • As much detail as possible
  • Helpful background information
  • What your specific question or point is

Not ready to submit your own story or question yet? No problem...just get started reading the stories by other good folks like you who want to get better at managing their anger.

Why should you decide to tell your story here? Because you are your own best anger management resource!

Interested in more? Learn about the stories you tell yourself that might arouse your anger.

Have A Great Story Or Question
About Anger Management?

Whether it's shocking, funny or infuriating, we'd like to hear your stories and questions about anger management.

You have questions or stories to tell, or you wouldn't be on this site. If you'd like some help, you can get help here. You may feel helped just by writing!

Also, other visitors might be able to help with their comments, stories and questions. Sometimes I (Dr. DeFoore here) offer comments, and I try to answer most of the questions.

Feel free to also review our FAQ page (frequently asked questions), to see if your question has already been answered.

Other Visitors' Stories And Questions

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Where Does The Anger Start? 
Dear Dr. DeFoore I will try to detail my situation to help you understand. I go from peaceful and content to aggressively angry and shouting in a matter …

The Medical Drug Addiction Step Daughter 
Nearly 16 years ago my long time (church related) good friend and I were married. She was 57 and I was 50. About six months prior to this occurance her …

No Hope For A 26 Year Old Girl Who Is Lost And Feeling Like There Is No Way Out 
First off I am going to make it short because there is a lot. My name is Vanessa. I am 26 years old, and married. I think I am an angry person because …

Stress, Anger and Resentment Not rated yet
I have been married for 12 years we have 2 kids. I find myself lashing out at my husband. I grew up in a verbally abusive home with an angry and irritable …

My Anger Is In The Driver's Seat And It Keeps Getting Worse Not rated yet
I'm 15 years old and at my final year of school. I've dealt with enough bullying through the years but kept going. I had brief counselling about it and …

Life Screws Me Up Not rated yet
I'm just 16 years old and im studying at college. The people around me are so annoying. I want to take my anger out on them because they make me so mad. …

Avoidance Not rated yet
I came from an abusive childhood, I was abused, neglected and abandoned. I was alone and felt alone, worthless and deserving of the pain. Retrospectively, …

Fed Up With Being Angry Not rated yet
My story is that I am fed up with being angry. I am generally a calm, cool and collected person. Able to allow certain things to "roll off" me but there …

I Am Constantly Irritated By Everyone, Even My Closest Loved Ones Not rated yet
I guess I am writing. I took some advice from friends and more importantly to her, my girlfriend. There have been many outbursts from me, and everyone …

My Mother And My Sister And My Anger Not rated yet
My mother, who I adore and I am really proud of, never listens to me. She prefers to listen to my older sister over me. I am not jealous of my sister. …

Lost In Anger Not rated yet
I am 33 years old. Lately I find myself getting angry at the drop of a hat. I have tried counting to 10, deep breathing exercises, and trying to think …

I Say Things I Don't Mean Not rated yet
I wouldn't classify myself as a happy-go-lucky type of person, but I have never been that angry. Then again, I may have been deluding myself. I guess my …

How Does One Heal From a Plethora of Painful Experiences? Not rated yet
Do you start from the earliest childhood horrors and just work your way up through the ages? This seems like a daunting, near impossible task. I am …

Loss Of A Friend And A Move And Anger Problems Not rated yet
I'm sure to some of you a simple break up or friend loss is a normal occurrence, a way of life and an easy thing to get over, because you don't really …

I Am Sam Not rated yet
I grew up in a household with a very angry dad. He wasn't physically abusive but verbally he sure was. I always promised my mom I wouldn't be like …

Scared Of Divorce Before We Even Take The Plunge Into Marriage Not rated yet
My partner and I have recently got engaged. We have been together for almost four years and we have had extreme ups and downs throughout our entire relationship. …

My Pot Boileth Over! Not rated yet
I am not trying to deflect blame from myself, but I grew up in an angry house. My father was always screaming, breaking things and being abusive. …

I'm Screaming Inside! Not rated yet
I am angry. I know I am angry. I want help with my anger. Today I was in a situation where I felt a great injustice. I am beginning a new visitation schedule …

The Dilemma Of Feeling More Positive, Trusting Others Again, Then Getting Screwed Not rated yet
Too often in my life I have trusted someone and was giving them a chance, helping them. Too often it backfired and I ended up not getting paid back, having …

Need Help With My Hair Trigger Anger Not rated yet
My name is Ryan, and I have an anger problem. My problem is going to make my girlfriend leave me. I don't want to be angry, I don't like it, but when I …

Angry Little Thing Not rated yet
I never thought that I would ever ever be an angry person, but then I met my mom. She came back into my life when I was seven and she tried to buy …

My Anger About the Last Six Months Not rated yet
I am 24 and live with my family and have a child who I see often. When my relationship with his mother broke down in 2008 I was hurt and angry for a short …

Hate In The Heart Of A Child Not rated yet
I am working with a young teen in foster care. I would like to help her to overcome this problem about hate in her heart that she revealed to me. She states …

Trying To Move On But Can't! Not rated yet
Dr.DeFoore: I don't know what to do. After seeing an intervention show on TV, I realized that maybe I have an anger problem. But what do I do? I …

Click here to write your own.

His Mental Illness Is Making Me Crazy! Not rated yet
I've been married almost 10 years to a very sweet man who has bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and anxiety. He is unable to keep a job for long periods …

Why Did I Get Married? Not rated yet
I married my husband knowing he had an anger management problem. The good times were better than the bad, right? He would never hit me, he'd just yell …

Sad, Scared, And Wanting To Change Not rated yet
I'm 26 and throughout my life since I was a child I was a victim of molestation and also verbal abuse by my parents. I was never good enough and was always …

I Am Always Provoked To Wrath Not rated yet
Hi Dr. DeFoore I really would like your help with dealing with anger issues. I find myself being verbally and physically abusive to the people that …

Why Do I Actually Attack People? Not rated yet
My name is Candy and I am 34 years old. I have recently noticed that I might be out of control with physically attacking people. I remember the first time …

Built Up Frustrations Not rated yet
I hate my life. I used to be a very happy and a bubbly person but now I'm just bitter. I can't find happiness in anything. I have a beautiful 3 year old …

Lost Two Wonderful Men In One Year Due To My Insecurity And Anger  Not rated yet
After a long journey of trying multiple meditation techniques, seminars, etc. and having ended 2 relationships with 2 great men in the course of less than …

Intelligent, Beautiful Mother Stuck In Abusive Relationship And Scared To Get Out Not rated yet
My parents have been married for over 40 years, and my mother has been abused almost every day of her married life. She came from a traditional Catholic …

How Do I Fix It? Not rated yet
Well, my name is John. All my life I've been exposed to anger in and outside of my household. I lived in a very bad neighborhood and I'm the youngest of …

Life After Having A Baby Not rated yet
Dr. DeFoore, I was with my boyfriend for about 1 1/2 years and had a child with him. My child is 1 1/2 years old right now. My boyfriend and I were …

Imaginary Enemies Not rated yet
Hello all! I am in desperate need for answers. I have an issue where I tend to make up things in my mind to get angry about. For instance I will imagine …

Over Aggressive Blonde Not rated yet
Dr, Here is my story. I am 39 years old and counting--I'll be 40 in a month. I'm an out of work mother and wife, who moved to a new state for a better, …

Being Controlled By Anger Not rated yet
Well where do I begin? I am a 30 year old woman who is almost always enraged. Everything seems to make me so mad. Today I got so angry I was screaming …

Anger, Fear, And Self Loathing Not rated yet
Hi, I am not sure how to start this out, however I can tell you I have plenty to be angry about from childhood on through today. None the less I don't …

How Much Anger Is Normal? Not rated yet
I would like some advice on how much anger is normal in a family relationship. My daughter who is now 14 is what I feel a normal teenager, i.e. messy room, …

How Anger Hurts My Family Not rated yet
Everyone in my house has anger issues. My 6-year old has started displaying some alarming anger issues lately and I am just heart-broken. He is very …

One Thing After Another Not rated yet
It seems like everything goes wrong at once. I know that I am not alone, but what the hell. First I worked very hard at my job doing everything asked of …

My Anger Is Out Of Control Not rated yet
So, here is my problem: I have extreme "blind rage". I fly into these fits that I can't even control and often black out from being so angry. I usually …

I Get Angry All The Time Not rated yet
Hi. Well I don't know what to say. I wasn't like this until a year ago. I use to let things roll off my back, but now it ain't happening. I threw a …

I Fight With My Girlfriend Not rated yet
I know I have slight anger always. But it is well shown in my relationship with my girlfriend. We are in a long distance relationship. Usually I will be …

Can't Maintain A Loving Relationship Not rated yet
I've been married three times and I am responsible for all of the failures. I've just ended a four month relationship with a woman whom I adored, and I …

The Worst Night Of My Life Not rated yet
Well, me and my girlfriend have been getting in more and more fights over the last few months, and it usually starts with something very small such as …

I Suddenly Snap! Not rated yet
I'm known as a quiet, kind person to those I'm not overly close to. All my life I have always backed down and let people put crap on me. When I was 16 …

Click here to write your own.

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