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Anger Management Seminars
By Dr. William DeFoore

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

These anger management seminars are available on your request, to be offered in your school, place of business or organization.

Dr. DeFoore draws on his 40+ years of professional experience, to provide you with the most thorough coverage of these important topics that you will find.

Healing Anger And Depression
Anger Management Seminars For Removing Barriers To Well Being

HAAD Audiobook

Dr. DeFoore provided these two-hour anger management classes monthly at the Cooper Wellness Program in Dallas, where he presented on several wellness-related topics for 25 years.

In the CD/audio download of this seminar, you will find:

  • An indepth understanding of anger and how it develops
  • An explanation of why we get angry and/or depressed
  • A discussion of the relationship between anger and depression
  • A full explanation of the difference between healthy and unhealthy anger
  • A detailed list of techniques for expressing anger in healthy ways

As a result of attending one of these anger management courses, you will:

  • Learn how and why anger and depression develop and how depression hurts loved ones
  • Recognize the difference between anger release and communication
  • Learn how anger and depression affect your health and all about overcoming depression
  • Understand the important role of healthy anger in your life
  • Discover the importance of expressing the full range of your emotions
  • Remove barriers to your health and happiness

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Dr. DeFoore Presents At The Cooper aerobics Center In Dallas

On-Demand Anger Management Seminars
Available In Your Area Upon Request

Schedule Dr. DeFoore
to speak at your church, school, hospital, company or community organization today!

Love, Anger and Forgiveness
Anger Management Seminars on Creating Joy and Healing In All Of Your Relationships


This particular seminar is offered in any format from one hour in length to a full day or two-day workshop. Dr. DeFoore has provided this seminar at The National Wellness Conference, and at the annual conference of the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine.

This is one of Dr. DeFoore's most powerful anger management classes, since it deals with the healing power of forgiveness.

  • In this anger management course, you will learn to make the powerful journey from anger through forgiveness and back to love.
  • Love is who you are at the core of your being, and there is always a deep yearning within you to return to your true nature.
  • This unique and dynamic anger management course will guide you along this journey, helping you to understand the essence of love, anger and forgiveness in all of your relationships.
  • The information and mindtools provided in this program offers the keys to emotional freedom, allowing you to be the wonderful person that you choose to be! Because, after all, you are your own best anger management resource!

Anger Management Techniques
Seminars That Provide Healthy Ways to Control and Express Anger

AMT 300

These on-demand anger management seminars are offered in any format from one hour in length to a full day or two-day workshop. Anger Management Techniques is a practical, straightforward seminar that gets to the point and gives you exactly what you're looking for.

In this anger management class, you will:

  • You will understand the value of your anger and all of your emotions, and how to express and control them for your own benefit and for the good of your loved ones.
  • Recognize how anger can work for you instead of against you!
  • Learn specific skills for releasing and communicating your anger in healthy ways.
  • Learn to rise above!
  • Gain the control you have always wanted, and avoid the problems that anger issues can cause.
  • Master the skills necessary to transform your anger into powerful, positive emotion that helps you reach all of your life goals.

Healthy Anger & Your Health
Seminars To Make Your Anger Work For You Not Against You

healthy anger

This on-demand anger management course is offered in any format from one hour in length to a full day or two-day workshop. Healthy Anger And Your Health is a highly informative and helpful seminar that explains how toxic anger affects your health, and what you can do to heal it and become physically and emotionally healthy.

In this seminar, you learn about these important points:

  • When it comes to your health, you simply can't afford to wait--and that includes your emotional health!
  • Negative emotions can become toxic forces robbing you of life-giving energy and causing problems such as depression and anxiety attacks.
  • It is essential to learn how to process and release negative emotions such as grief, sorrow, fear and toxic anger so that you can return to health and happiness.
  • When they are healthy, emotions are extremely healing to your physical body, and can help you to avoid illness or recover more quickly when you are ill.
  • These anger management seminars will guide you through a process of understanding and healing your anger and all negative emotions, transforming them into a powerful force for your overall well being.
  • Claim the natural asset of healthy anger and learn to use it to accomplish what you want in life.

Expectations In Marriage
 Healthy Ways To Deal With Anger And Disappointment In Relationships

marriage expectations

This on-demand anger management course is offered in any format from one hour in length to a full day or two-day workshop. Expectations In Marriage is a powerful course that teaches skills for managing anger in intimate relationships. In this seminar, you will:

  • Decide which expectations are getting in your way, and how to let go of them.
  • How to communicate your expectations to your spouse or partner, so they know more about where you're coming from.
  • Discover how to understand yourself and your spouse at a deeper level.
  • Figure out why you have conflict and anger, and what to do about it.
  • Learn to cherish and appreciate your spouse by becoming a Goodfinder in your marriage.
  • Find out how important it is to express your love and appreciation on an ongoing basis in your relationship.
  • Master the skills you need to create an excellent relationship.

Anger In Teens
How To Understand And Help Adolescents With Anger Issues

anger in teens

This is another one of our on-demand anger management seminars that is offered in any format from one hour in length to a full day or two-day workshop. Anger In Teens is a powerful course that teaches parents, teachers, counselors and caregivers everything they need to know to help adolescents "get a grip" on their anger and channel it in healthy, appropriate ways. In this helpful seminar, you will:

  • Learn why teens are so angry! The anger management movie above gives you some idea...
  • Come to understand the issues underlying teen anger, and learn the necessary skills to help.
  • Listen to the program in the presence or absence of your teens, to learn the causes of adolescent anger problems and the methods and techniques for solving them.
  • Learn to claim your authority in healthy ways, so that you are in charge!
  • Master the skills of healthy family communication processes through these anger management seminars so that your family runs smoothly and your teens stay out of trouble
  • Learn what your teens need to know to master their own anger, and how to help them master those skills.

Helping Children With Anger
Help For Parents With Child Anger Management

child anger management

This is another one of our on-demand anger management seminars that is offered in any format from one hour in length to a full day or two-day workshop. Helping Your Children With Their Anger is a powerful course that teaches parents, teachers, counselors and caregivers everything they need to know to help children manage and express their anger in healthy, appropriate ways. In this helpful seminar, you will:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of the issues underlying your child's anger.
  • Learn the necessary skills to help your children with their anger
  • Master important parenting skills that will make it easier for your child to control their emotions and their behavior.
  • Learn exactly what to say and do to teach your children anger management skills.
  • Find out which parenting approaches to definitely avoid.
  • Understand the healthy role of anger and how you can make your own anger and your children's anger healthy.

Learn more about anger control from the American Psychological Association.

William DeFoore, Ph.D. also acts as an affiliate marketing partner for Anger Class Online and the A.J. Novick Group, Inc.

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Contributions From Other Professionals

Click below to read what other professionals have contributed...

Key Tips On How To Help Connect With A Difficult Teen  
There has been a constant question that runs through every parent's mind when their children hit puberty, and that is how to communicate with them. …

My Angry Imagination 
Okay, first thing I'd like to say is that my imagination is much less angry than it used to be. I've got into meditation, I've seen a therapist, and …

My Experience With Anger Management Issues Not rated yet
Ever since I was a young kid I recall becoming easily bothered by things that seemed to breeze past others. Something as simple as my favorite show not …

How To Stop Lashing Out At Your Spouse Not rated yet
Anger is a physiological response to threat and even in modern society where threats are less physical in nature, it is still considered to be a natural …

Loneliness And Healthy Alone Time Not rated yet
I've often said that life is better shared. The things you do with family and friends can be the most memorable moments in your life. But there's something …

5 Tips For Parents To Help Their Teens Overcome Learning Difficulties Not rated yet
Learning difficulties are common among children transitioning into their teens. Whether they’re distracted from being scholastically adept because of the …

Regretting My Anger Not rated yet
I'm a doctor by profession. I work for an NGO (non government organization). I often lose control over my juniors or students who also come there for …

Professional Needing Help With Angry Teens Not rated yet
I am a QMHP (Qualified Mental Health Professional) who needs a little help with some angry teens. What are some ways you can get teenagers to open up …

4 Steps To Reduce Bullying That Is Happening To You Not rated yet
This is a great site. I really appreciate what Dr. DeFoore is offering here. I love to work with people of all ages and every age group can run into …

Anxiety And Depression Often Precede Anger Not rated yet
Anxiety and depression are both common symptoms of a wide range of psychiatric disorders. In addition, anger and depression are discrete disorders that …

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