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Support Our Mission
To Provide Anger Management Help

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

If you or someone you know
 has been helped or could be helped by this site, please support our mission and consider making a donation to support the free information, support and counseling we offer.

Mission Of

We are here to provide anger management help and emotional healing support for individuals, couples and families. We want to send a consistent message to good people that they have what it takes to create healthy, lasting relationships and become their own best anger management resource.

When you choose to support our mission by making a donation to this web site, you are actually helping a man, woman or child in need. You could be doing your part to stop domestic violence, prevent road rage or put an end to child abuse in a family.

Read these stories to take a look at the types of people and situations you will be helping. This site is all about helping and being helped, and here is yet another opportunity for you to participate.

If you can't or don't want to make a donation, you can also help by writing a testimonial for the site describing how it has helped you, a friend or a family member

Contact Dr. DeFoore using this form
Or call us at 214-764-7930

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