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I Get Angry For No Reason

by Paul

I am in a relationship for the last 6 years with a girl I love with all my heart but I keep on picking fights with her over little things.

I get really angry and start breaking things and throwing things. I'm afraid that one of these days I will hurt myself or my fiancee and it scares me. Please help.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Paul, and thanks for telling your story here. You are a good person, which is why you don't want to hurt yourself or your fiancee. I will try to help.

I built this FAQ page just for good folks like you. Follow all of the guidelines, and do all of the exercises, and I think you'll start to have more control. And most important, you will start to feel better and shift your focus to the good things in yourself and others.

There are good reasons for your anger, Paul, and it's important that you find out what those are. Those stories need to be told, but you don't necessarily need a listener (or reader). Just write the stories. You will find the guidelines in the above link.

You can do this, Paul. You will become more and more connected with the good man you truly are.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

P.S. If you found this to be helpful, please consider making a donation to this site to support our mission.

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Mar 06, 2015
Concerned Girlfriend
by: Anonymous

My boyfriend of 3 years has daily outbursts of anger several times a day. Name calling, screaming, sarcasm and throwing things and in worst case threatening. He came out of a long marriage 5 years ago and it was a bad break up, losing custody of his children. He has been on anti-depressants but goes off them. Even on them he flies into rages over stupid things and he also feels the need to be praised all the time and if you do something good he feels threatened like you're competing with him or trying to make him look like an idiot. He is a very very talented guy. He's a musician, plays 5 instruments, and cam do almost anything he puts his hand to from carpentry to cooking and websites. But soon as one little thing goes wrong, it's world war three and its always my fault, or whoever is closest. He obviously has a soft side which is why I'm with him. I need help on how to handle these situations, he spent most of his childhood alone in his room hence he taught himself to play music.

Mar 14, 2012
I Dont Know What To Do
by: Anonymous

My boyfriend is so amazing, he is sweet and generous~ and I love him more than anything. He got out of a bad marriage almost a year ago, he wasn't treated very well. And he also lost his dad when he was 11, that he was told to man up about and I don't think he ever grieved. He gets fits of rage where nothing I say or do changes anything. He hasn't hit me, but he's hurting me. After nights like this, I wake up feeling like I did get beat. 90% of our relationship is great... we get along and are the best of friends. But when he's like this, I don't recognize him. At all. He always threatens suicide. That scares the crap out of me. We want help~ but don't know what kind of help to get.

From Dr. DeFoore

Hi. It's good that you both want help. On this page you will find an overview of all that is offered by me, through this site. I hope this helps.

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