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I Don't Know How To Tell My Parents

by Paula
(New York )

My name is Paula and I am 12 years old. I am writing to you because I feel I need anger management classes, but don't know how to tell my parents.

This started about a month ago and I'd thought it would go away, but it actually got worse. I don't really know how to tell my parents that I'm feeling this way, or anybody really.

Most of the time I feel like bursting out screaming or hitting someone but, I hold it all in because I don't want to hurt anyone. Sometimes I am mean in my house.. I don't want to, but I just am.

I ignore my family. Sometimes I also really really want to hurt them. I hold it in but it's not doing anything. My head just hurts and I'm sometimes up all night. I get mad all the time for little unnecessary things and sometimes I don't even know why.

I argue with my mom in the morning a lot. I argue and argue until I get my point through to her, but while I'm doing that I have bad thoughts in my head.

I don't like being told what to do, and that gets me mad even if it's like "pass me that pen." I usually can't let things go.

Please help. I don't like feeling this way and don't know how to tell my parents.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Paula, and thanks for telling your story here. I can tell that you are a very bright girl, and it seems to me also that you have a lot of emotional energy--and although that's a problem for you right now, I think it's also a good thing.

I'm going to suggest some things that will help you to understand and release your anger, and begin feeling better about yourself. After doing some of this, if you still feel the need to tell your parents and perhaps take anger management classes, it will be easier for you to do so.

Start by doing this trauma writing process, and at the same time doing the other two exercises on the page. You write very well, so I hope you'll really do this--I think it will help you. The idea here is that the answers and the healing you need are within you.

After doing the above exercises for a couple of weeks, start this positive journaling process. This will help you to feel better about yourself and your world, which will bring you comfort and help you with your anger as well.

Believe in yourself, Paula. You're a good person, and there is good reason for your anger. You will figure this out.

As you heal and progress, I expect that you will learn to channel your strong emotional energy into a passion to fulfill your dreams and offer your unique gifts to this world.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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Sep 12, 2021
How To Tell My Parents
by: Anonymous


I think I have anger issues and I've been reading these pages and been taking quizzes and I honestly do believe that I need help. Usually it is one of my sisters that is the straw that breaks the camel's back. I hold things in and by her simply being there or talking, it just makes me so angry. But I just sit there quietly and I'm not sure how to tell my parents that I think I have anger issues.


Aug 06, 2021
Response to Aimee
by: Dr. DeFoore

Hi Aimee. Thanks for telling your story here. I'll try to help.

Your anger is there for a reason, and only you can find out what that is. I will recommend some ways for you to do that.

But first, let me say that you are not crazy just because of your anger. I now it makes you feel crazy, but that's normal.

Your mind is the brilliant light to guide you out of the darkness of your emotion. By doing the exercises I'm going to suggest (it's just some writing exercises) regularly, you should start to understand your anger and hopefully, you will start to feel more calm.

Read this article, and if you're willing to do what it recommends, you will start to feel better. At some point, you will also be better able to talk to your parents.

By the way, there's nothing wrong with seeking attention. We all do it. It's normal. So that's not a valid criticism. Consider that there's nothing wrong with you, and that you just have these strong emotions that you haven't learned how to manage just yet.

All the best to you, Aimee.

Dr. DeFoore

Aug 03, 2021
What Should I Do?
by: Aimee

Hi! I’m Aimee and I’m 13 years old. I think I suffer with anger issues because I always fly off the handle and often at school.

I get removed from lessons because of bad behaviour and I try my best not to. I also often think about physical fights between me and people I hate because they bully me. I often think of hitting or hurting someone who has really angered me. Once my anger got so bad my dad put me in a restraint for 2 hours until I finally gave up.

I don’t know what to do and I don’t know if I should go to a mental hospital. I don’t know how to tell my parents because they won’t believe me. My mum often says I’m attention seeking when I bring anything up about my anger or things like when I think something is wrong with me. What do I do?

Apr 12, 2021
Me Too
by: Anonymous

I’m Rowan, 13, and I think I have anger issues. I’ve been researching about anger and taking tests to see if I have anger issues. I get into fights with my family every few days (3-4 time a week maybe, sometimes more or less often).

I always gets mad at my parents (usually my mom) when they call me out on my bad behaviour. My sister usually puts me off the edge, I don’t know why. I think it’s her personality which is really wrong because she has the right to be who she is.

I also get mad at any tiny thing, like a loud noise or someone not hearing me. I have struggled with low self esteem over the past few years and I feel like I have it under control, only sometimes I feel bad about myself.

I have really good and supportive parents but I don’t think they know how much I struggle and how much I feel sorry for my actions. After arguments I cry because I feel guilty for what I did and how I treated the people I love the most.

I don’t know if I should tell my family about my issues (or if they are even real) or if I should just leave it be.

I’ve thought about killing myself for my actions and for making my family go through such a rough time, but I know deep down that I won’t do it. I am glad that other people are going through what I am.

May 16, 2019
Same Age, Same Feelings
by: Anonymous

Hi Paula, my name is Gráinne and I am also 12. I feel the same way as you, in fact, I found you and your comment by searching for how to tell my parents I feel this way. I began feeling this around a year ago…maybe add on a few months. But it is sooo annoying and I have the exact same 'side effects' if I can call them that as you do.
I have finished about 3 hours of research on this topic and came to the conclusion that I may have anger issues/ problems and I want to tell my parents so that I can get help. Whenever I feel this way, I write notes about everything that I am feeling, thoughts, things people have been telling me, feelings, etc.
This works but I need a long term, permanent fix. If you have found anything yet, please reply to me. Thanks.

Jun 18, 2015
by: Anonymous

My parents just say stop doing it. They don't understand me . :(

Jan 12, 2015
Good For You, Ana
by: Dr. DeFoore


I'm so glad you're going to talk to your school counselor. That's what she's there for. And if you don't get the help you need there, keep looking and don't give up. Never give up on yourself. You're worth fighting for.

I wish you a good healing journey.

Dr. DeFoore

Jan 12, 2015
I Need Help And I'm Going To Find It
by: Ana

I told my parents that I think I have anger issues, and for good reason. When I get mad, I try to keep it in, instead of hurting others, but I end up hurting myself.

I self harm and I want help. So I told my parents and they didn't understand me, and called me stupid. I don't know what to do.

At least I actually want help but they won't help me. I'm gonna try going to my school counselor to see if she helps me. Hopefully she will.

Jun 13, 2014
by: Dakota

I'm 12, and I get mad at the strangest things. I've been holding it in so long. I had a horrible past that I can't forget, and it's so hard and sad that I'm scared to even talk about it to my own mom.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hi Dakota

Start by writing down everything that happened in the past. Take all of the time you need, but write it all down, and don't show it to anyone. This will help you. Then, when you're ready, ask your mom to please just sit and listen, without saying anything, and read it to her.

I hope this helps,

Dr. DeFoore

Feb 12, 2014
I'm in the same spot
by: Taylor

I am 15 and I fly off the handle at the smallest things. Sometimes I create fights with my boyfriend and I scream, yell and hit him. I hate being this way, I want help. It makes me cry after I do this because I don't like treating him this way. But I really I can't help it. I just don't know how to explain it to my mom.

Mar 21, 2012
by: Victoria

I'm 13 and i get really angry. When i get angry i screw things up, brake something, throw something or start hurting myself. I cant help doing this though. I am in the exact same position as you are in now because i just cant tell my parents. I am really quiet at school because all i think about is my anger and i just want to cry. Only my close friends know about this though and so they don't really mind if i get angry because they know i cant help it. I am glad I'm not the only one who feels like this.

May 21, 2011
Im in the same situation...
by: Ashley

My boyfriend knows about me but right now he has his own problems. I promised him I wouldn't yell at him, start fights, be in a bad mood, or tell him I hate myself. I really don't like breaking promises, especially with him. My parents don't know about me either and I want them to like me really badly, just so I don't have to keep it all in. I'm 13. so just a little older then you.

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