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Controlling Anger
Get Quick Relief & Lasting Control

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

Controlling anger is more than just stuffing it and pretending it's not there. That only works short term, if it works at all.

You're looking for quick anger relief and lasting control. You don't just want it to stop, you don't want it to come back.

  • Quick Relief--You want relief as soon as possible.  With out-of-control anger, things can get dangerous. You're smart for being here and looking for solutions. These anger management techniques are designed to give you as much relief as possible as fast as possible.
  • Lasting Control--This is where we get to the heart of the matter...your heart, that is! You have a good heart, and you really care about managing anger, which is why you're here reading this. To go deep and do long-lasting healing work, this audio program is your best bet for controlling anger.

The benefits of quick relief when the crisis is over include:

  • You will be able to breathe again--you may not realize it, but when you're tense and irritable, you're holding your breath a lot.
  • You will be more relaxed, allowing more oxygen to flow to your brain, which helps you make better decisions.
  • You'll be able to be kind and respectful to those you love.
  • You might be able to start thinking about how to gain more lasting control on an ongoing basis. 

The benefits of lasting control are:

  • You will gain anger control on a consistent, ongoing basis
  • You will be good to your family, friends and co-workers.
  • You'll learn your own "hot buttons" and how to deactivate them.
  • You will start to feel really comfortable with yourself.

It all boils down to being comfortable in your own skin! Controlling anger is not really either control it, or it controls you

Begin Controlling Anger Now

This comprehensive audiobook program will give you the lasting control you're looking for. Take advantage of our no-risk money-back guarantee, and download the audiobook now!

anger control audio

ANGER: Deal With It Before It Deals With You

powerful and effective audiobook addressing anger management, rage addiction and depression. Learn specific skills for dealing with your anger, overcoming rage, and creating positive, fulfilling relationships.

To listen to these previews, click the links below. When you're through listening, just close that window to return to this page.

Still not sure if you want this audiobook?
 Look at what you will get when you order:

Within this dynamic and powerful program, you will find:

  • Description and overview of anger management
  • How anger can become Rage Addiction
  • The relationship between anger and depression
  • Methods and techniques for expressing anger in healthy ways

And, as a result of listening, you will:

  • Find out how anger relates to sorrow, fear and love
  • Learn how anger becomes addictive
  • See how anger relates to love
  • Improve your overall self-knowledge and health


"Bill is an excellent communicator who reaches people where they are, while supporting them in moving forward into a greater awareness of their true nature."

- Rev. Carol Record, Unity Minister

More benefits of the Anger: Deal With It Before It Deals With You audiobook:

  • Break anger and rage addiction cycles.
  • Learn how anger relates to depression.
  • Get anger management tips that will help you overcome depression.
  • Learn about the spiritual journey that is an inevitable part of controlling anger.
  • Learn to finally, once and for all learn to love yourself.
  • Become the good person you have always known that you are, deep inside.

What have you got to lose? Nothing! If you don't like it, we will refund your money, no questions asked.

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