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Anger In My Soul

by Jessica
(San Antonio)

Well ever since I was in middle school, I just started to change a lot and got angry really fast. Sometimes I just didn't want to talk to anybody but my friends. They where always there for me and I just didn't realize what I had become in life.

My mom says that I wasn't like that and talked about how I changed over the years. Sometimes I fight with my brother and my mom always defends him. So I get really mad and sometimes I can't control my anger.

My hands start shaking and can't stop moving and my leg also starts to shake. I get mad with just the little things and when its a big thing I get really mad. I try taking deep breaths but sometimes it just doesn't help.

Please help me.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Jessica, and thanks for telling your story here. You have good reasons for your anger, and you need to find out what they are. Doing this three part journaling process will help.

It is possible that your brother is being favored over you in your family. This is not uncommon, and it can cause a lot of pain and anger. Be sure you journal about that in your anger journaling process.

Believe in yourself, Jessica, and make up your mind to create a great life for yourself.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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