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Unable To Express Anger

by Eunice
(Pompano Beach, FL USA)

I get drunk once a week with a bottle of wine. My live-in friend always accuses me of being an alcoholic. He constantly berates me for this.

He drinks beer every day though not excessively. I drove my car one night last week while I was totally ossified. Luckily I did not get into any trouble but I scared the bejesus out of me.

I am remorseful but I am still angry with him. he is semi out of work and has no money, but will not do anything about his situation. This makes me angry.

I was also abandoned by my mother and my father did not like me. I was sexually abused as a 5 year old and then sexually abused by my brother as a young girl.

I am depressed right now. I'm trying to help myself, and that's why I'm on your website. My whole life has been somewhat of a mess, though I have managed to create some good coping skills over the years.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Eunice, and thanks for telling your story here. I think it's great that you've decided to help yourself. I encourage you to keep at it, and I think you'll get some good results from your efforts.

First, I encourage you to read this page on alcohol abuse. You will find that you are in the early warning stages of alcoholism, from what you have said about your drinking. This needs to be addressed first on your road to healing, because any efforts toward emotional healing will have limited or no success as long as you're abusing alcohol.

Assuming that you get yourself into a recovery program (ideally, Alcoholics Anonymous), I recommend that you begin your emotional healing journey by doing the journaling exercises on this page. This is where you "tell your story," and it is an important first step. I also suggest that you do the anger journaling process described on that same page, which gives you a safe, healthy outlet for your anger.

Believe in yourself, Eunice, and do this for you. You are all you've got, if you think about it. You're the only person who can assure your health and happiness.

You can do this.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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