by Angel
(Tampa, Fl)
My boyfriend and I were friends who began a sexually exclusive but not committed friends-with-benefits relationship. About six months into this, he needed a place to stay for a month or two and so he came to my home. Very shortly after he lost his job. Not long after that his car broke down as well.
He became someone else for a while, and he basically criticized everything there is about me on a regular basis. He was rude and used things I shared against me, and he spoke in the most derisive tone I’ve ever been spoken to in. Eventually he found work again and I stopped seeing that nasty side to him on a regular basis. Our relationship became a committed one after some time, and that’s where we are today.
I am feeling like I’m always walking on eggshells, trying to predict what will set him off although the messages are so mixed that I never really know, and seeing put downs in everything he says or doesn’t say. I’ve been really thinking that this is him being an ass...but I am recognizing now that I am so reactive that I really may be exacerbating the situation with my constant anxiety.
I mean I get what’s happened idea of who he sees when he see me is formed from all those crappy things he said to me. So (to me) when he sees me he sees this awful person, so of course I’m always on edge.
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