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Please Help Me I Have No One To Talk To

by Anonymous

I'm 14 years old. I get angry if I don't get what I want, if someone I don't like is around me or if plain and simple someone walks by that makes me mad.

I have things in my past that have hurt me and I hold a grudge it makes me very angry to think about. I snap sometimes and yell or punch things or kick things.

My parents know a little bit, but they have no clue whats really building up inside. I have no one to talk to. I need help.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello, and thanks for telling your story here. I know you don't feel like it, but you're a good person. There are good reasons for your anger, and it sounds like you know what they are.

I think you can make some good progress in dealing with this, and starting to feel better. You will find several exercises that you can use on this FAQ page, and if you actually use them, you will definitely benefit. I encourage you to try these exercises at least for two weeks. You will find some imagery processes there that you can use to heal the things from your past that bother you.

Then, I think it would be very good if you told your parents what you've been feeling. Tell them you've gotten some help, but if you still feel the need for help then maybe ask for them to take you to a counselor, or go to see your school counselor.

You are not alone, even though you feel that way. Think of the people around you, and you will know who you can trust the most.

Above all, believe in yourself.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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Jun 18, 2011
Find someone to talk with
by: Matthew


You are certainly not alone. Many people feel as if they have no one to talk to.

In only reading your post I obviously have little information about what is building up. I may be in the dark as much as your parents are.

First and foremost you have to forgive yourself. Dr. DeFoore is right--you are a good person.

We all have pasts and it is only our choice if we let them define ourselves. Many people have come from very dark pasts to become amazing people giving the gift of themselves to the world.

Forgiveness is extremely important. Finding someone who you can talk to is another important tool. These days you can find people online through various coaching and mentoring sites. You may be able to find a mentoring organization where you live (like a Big Bro Big Sis) and have someone who will be a great ear.

Stop bottling yourself--resistance really is futile and it will continue to build. We must let our energy flow. No matter how scary we "think" that will be.

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