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My Grandson Is Getting Very Nasty And Out Of Control

by Jim
(N Ireland)

How can we stop a very aggressive boy of 14 years making our lives a misery? He will not go to school, he simply refuses. He is very nasty with his parents, his two little sisters, and us his grandparents.

I'm heartbroken to say that he is out of control. Although we all love him very much, we are at our wit's end. He swears and smokes, but it's the aggression that worries us.

We want to straighten him out if it's possible. This is a very serious case.

Please help if you can before we lose him, if we are not too late already.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Jim, and thanks for telling your story here. It sounds like you and your family are having an extremely difficult time with your grandson. I will try to help.

I'm sure you know this is not an uncommon problem for families. For that reason, I have created several web pages on this site to help. I suggest that you and his parents read these, and I think you'll find the help you need there.

I also strongly encourage you to check out the audio program below. You (and hopefully your grandson’s parents) can listen to free previews right away, and get your copy through download or buying the CD.

This is a lot of work for his parents, Jim. I hope they're willing to do their part. Please encourage them to visit this site and take action. The sooner the better for your grandson and the family as a whole.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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