by Susie
(Woodville, TX)
Being a mother of two young boys can cause you to think that you no doubt need a lesson in anger management. I suppose having children of any age can also induce that feeling. I have a short fuse to begin with, add in screaming, yelling, and just plain racket and you get a really messy situation.
I have never endangered my kid's welfare nor have I seriously tried to hurt them. I can remember one day I thought it would be nice to decorate pumpkins with the kids and their cousins. So here I am with two two-year olds, and two five-year olds. We cut out things to glue on the pumpkins and then tried to glue them to the pumpkins. All the while they were running and throwing the pumpkins. I tried really hard to keep my calm and remember that I asked for this.
At the time all I wanted to do was rant and rave and yell at them. I wanted to tell them to go sit in the corner like a bunch of statues. Then I calmed myself and tried reminding myself that they are only children and that is what they do for fun. I have always said that some things are better remembered than experienced. I look back and think it was a good thing.
Response from Dr. DeFoore
Thanks for this, Suzie. Your story will help others to remember what is really important as parents. I love your line, "they are only children and that is what they do for fun." And thanks for that great photo!
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