by Nancy
(Dallas, TX)
Chihuly's artwork on display in Boston, MA
This exercise was very helpful and healing. I have been led, taught, practice, and lead this type of meditation so I am very familiar and comfortable with this form of meditation.
What caught me on this journey was when you suggested that the adult me go up to that "younger you" and say, "I'm here. I am so sorry this happened. I will not leave you. You didn't do anything wrong. It's not your fault."
There was a feeling of anxiety in the pit of my stomach of the adult me. My knee jerk reaction was "No, I can't do that. Run away". But I've been taught and have learned to question why am I anxious and realized there wasn't anything to be afraid of and that it was possible to approach, and even accept and embrace my younger self.
I feel inferior most times and when those moments of past events arise where I wish I had done something different, I curse my past self and feel embarrassed and ashamed of myself and it adds to my total, overall feelings of unworthiness.
Through this exercise, I have found a place to work on and receive help in the process of healing. Thank you.
Response from Dr. DeFoore
Hello Nancy, and thanks so much for your feedback. It means a lot to me, to know that my work on this web site is helping good people like you.
I wish you all the best in your continued healing and growth.
My very best to you,
Dr. DeFoore
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