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Mar 13, 2024
But what if they have a 4 yr old son?
by: Anonymous

My daughter is 27 old, divorced and has a 4yr old son. They live with my husband and I. The ex is a functioning alcoholic for now. My daughter is a functioning marijuana addict for now. She looks anorexic, uses eye drops, doesn’t eat, doesn’t keep anything clean, tries to hide her vape.

Tonight I smelled pot in the bathroom. She tried to say it was my dogs because they chase skunks. She keeps a candle burning and leaves the window open at night. Despite us ask for her to shut it when it’s 28 degrees.

finally realized marijuana is her drug of choice.

I want to make it plain to her that we want to provide a safe place for her to live with her son but I don’t want marijuana in my home. When I go out of town I don’t want her friends here.

Im 55 how do I take a vacation and keep these rules.
What I really want is for her to leave and do whatever she is going to do and leave her son with us.

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