by Albert
Hello. I’m 25 years old and was dating a beautiful girl for about 5 months, but we recently broke up because she is tired of me getting mad at her, being jealous, ripping her clothes, and even once punching a wall.
At first it wasn’t so bad then I punched the wall and would grab her. I apologized for my behavior that was triggered initially because I found some messages talking about other males to her friend. Ever since then everything went downhill and the arguments were constant.
It’s like I lost the trust I gave her and would just get mad for every little thing. Even though she changed, apologized and stopped doing things like that that would bother me. I still kept getting mad and became controlling. I would check her phone constantly and she would do the same.
We stopped talking to friends and disconnected from social media to try to make things better and it did for a little but the arguments kept coming. My jealousy wouldn’t stop. When we would argue I would yell at her, I would cuss, and sometimes even grab her.
After a few of those, this past break up was the 3rd time I asked for her forgiveness and I wanted to change and be with her. She has 2 kids and doesn’t think I can accept her because of that. But I do, I just feel like all this is new to me since I had never been with a woman with children.
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