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Anger Directed Toward Budding Adult Child

by MC

Most of the time my anger outbursts are directed toward my soon to be 20 year old daughter who lives at home.

She has gotten over the outbursts that she had for most of her life. She is a normal person and did childlike things as a child, like not cleaning her room when asked and getting into a little trouble at school here and there.

She did not do well in first year of college and decided not to go back. She works and is still trying to find her way. My 18 year old is away in school. My husband and I have always supported our girls in all of their endeavors which were many.

The problem is I would lose any cool points earned by going into an outrage when I had to discipline her. My 18 year old often witnessed these incidents and became a pleaser or stayed out of the way.

No one deserves to be yelled at or disrespected. I used to even tell my girls that when they were growing up.

I need help.

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Oct 13, 2021
You Clearly Want To Be Kind
by: Dr. DeFoore

Hello MC, and thanks for telling your story here.

I think you will be able to overcome your anger outbursts toward your daughter, if you do the exercises described in this article.

The solution to your anger problem is within you, and it is your good, kind heart. It takes courage to be kind, and I think you have that.

Believe in yourself and the love inside you.

My best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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