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9 Year Old Boy With Bad Temper

by Anonymous

I am a single mother with three children. Their father and I split up in December of 2006. In May of 2007 their father moved out of the state.

My son lived with his father for six months. His father decided to move, and told my son he would be back in 30 days and left with his girlfriend and brother. I decided to go get the children and they moved back with me.

In September of 2009 their father passed away having a stroke. My 9 year old son was hurt. His father did come back after 30 days, and then never saw again before he passed away. Ever since the separation my son has been mad and has had a bad temper and been physically and verbally abusive. I have had him in counseling and he has had a PSR working. He will not open up to the counselor. This is the third one.

His father was bipolar and had a short fuse. Patrick goes from calm and thoughtful to having a fit and getting angry when he does not get his way with things to do or food. It has effected the whole house.

I am taken parenting classes next week and talking to his counselor about how to handle things at home. I work full time and have mandatory overtime so it is hard for everyone. I also have a 11 year old daughter who is having different issues. My 14 year old is a great kid and is being effected by all this confusion and anger in the house. I am 50 years old just trying to cope. I need help and any advice.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello, and thanks for telling your story here. It is great that you are taking parenting classes and getting counseling for your son. I encourage you to continue with that and learn as much as you can.

In addition, I suggest that you read the following page about child anger and parenting: child anger management.

You've got what it takes to help your children. Believe in yourself and the wonderful parent you are. Caring as much as you do is the first and most important part.

See the best in your children, always, no matter how they may be acting in the moment. That will help you and them tremendously.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

P.S. If you found this to be helpful, please consider making a donation to this site to support our mission to help you become your own best anger management resource.

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