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Skip's Sorry Saga

by Sue
(Chalfont, PA USA)

It begins with Skip's wife (that's me) finding out about his affair. Only it was going on for 3 years! While I was home taking care of the children, bills, and working outside the home - he played the salesman on the road!

I actually would wait up for him when he told me he was doing a seminar in NY (we live in PA). We were also in trouble financially - our house is up for a sheriff sale in August. He lost his job in Feb and is unable to collect unemployment. He's not sure why he really got fired. He doesn't like to tell the truth.

He was also on the Internet with "friends" - had him stop calling his "friends" and tried to save my marriage (17 years). Found out he called another friend (from Facebook). I kicked him out and now he's living with his mommy and her boyfriend in a nice house.

His children and I are left to take care of the house, until the sale. I am filing for bankruptcy and need to find a suitable place to live! Boy does this suck. Hopefully I can come out of this a better person, not a bitter person. Thanks for letting me vent.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Sue, and thanks for telling your story here. Make up your mind to be better not bitter, and that's exactly what you'll get. You're completely in charge, even though you may feel like an innocent victim.

You're not at all responsible for what your husband has done, but you're totally responsible for how you handle it.

Look forward to creating a better life for yourself and your children, as if you knew for certain that it was going to happen. Use the positive journaling exercises on this page to help you with that.

You're a smart, good and capable person, and you can do this. Now that your husband is gone, you have the chance of creating a happy, loving home for your children.

Contain your anger by doing the journaling process described on this page. Keep your focus on the bright future you're planning and envisioning for yourself and your children. Keep your sites set on that goal, and you will get there.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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