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My Angry Brother Is Hurting Me

by Connor

I don't know what to do with my brother. I am 13 and he is about to be 16. I feel like he just either has to hit me or yell at me anytime he walks next to me or I walk next to him. I will just be sitting there and he just comes up and whacks me on the side of my face, or tells me to shut up when I say nothing.

I don't know why he has to hit me--and it isn't just a little tap, it's a hard smack. Also when he is playing video games and I'm watching, when anything goes wrong for him he will just hit me really hard and a lot.

I tell him to stop but he just keeps on doing it. My parents tell him too but he keeps doing it. I try to stay away, but it's hard to because we live in the same house. After he has hit me 4 or 5 times in a row I try to push him off of me, then he just goes berserk. He tackles me and hits me really hard.

I have injuries and a lot of bruises. I don't know what to do? Can anyone help me?

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Hello Connor, and thanks for telling your story here. I can only imagine how alone you must feel. I'm glad you reached out here, and I will try to help.

First of all, protecting you from your brother is your parents' job. From what you've written here, it appears that they are failing to protect you, so that means you have to protect yourself. I do encourage you not to give up on your parents, however. Have you shown them the bruises? Do they know how bad it really is for you? If you don't think they will do anything, I understand. But at least give them every chance to do their job and protect you.

I suggest you contact child protective services (CPS) in your city, or in the nearest city that has that type of agency. Tell them what is happening, go into the offices, and show them your bruises and injuries. This has to stop, and this is an appropriate action in your situation. Hopefully, they will do an investigation of your home. I understand this might be scary for you, but it's better than allowing your brother to continue to abuse you.

Another good thing to do is to tell your school counselor. Show them the bruises, and they are legally obligated to notify CPS in such cases. You might also tell a trusted teacher or minister, if you go to a church.

Never give up on yourself, Connor. Make up your mind that this is going to stop, and don't give up until the situation is improved. Tell your friends, and your friends' parents, if that feels at all comfortable for you.

You can do this. Believe in yourself. Watch this video, to lift your spirits and feel some hope.

Keep writing on this site, if you want to. I know that everyone who reads this will want to know that you're safe and protected.

Many blessings to you, Connor.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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