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If It Was Only Me

by Kathy G
(Troy, TX)

"How I wish I could bring back the fun time
To the moments she had just a little breath

The fond memories will forever linger within me

Oh, how I wish I knew the second of her death
I admit I was in shock and didn't want it to be
I pretended it wasn't so, and I put it all behind

The tears started to flow and the grief began
Mourning had poured but still no comfort to find

I wish I could have been the one to go first
And I blame myself for not being there at the end

My dear sister was in pain and suffering long
Will she now consider me to be her best friend?

If it was only me, I tell myself over and over
And why must life end for the good at heart?

I know I must accept death in the long run

And I must let anger go and let the healing start.

Response from Dr. DeFoore

Helly Kathy. Thank you for writing this beautiful, deeply felt tribute to your sister and your grief. It sounds like you're doing a good job of honoring your feelings and moving through your grief.

I know you will continue to progress in your healing, until you find yourself in the joy and appreciation of celebrating your sister's life, and receiving her gifts to make your own more full and rich as a result.

My very best to you,

Dr. DeFoore

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Dec 30, 2009
To Kathy
by: Anna Murphy

Your poem is so very beautiful. I have always found that writing poetry was healing. Where ever your sister is, and I believe that she is a spirit that loves you dearly, she will be so touched by your poem about her.

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