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Anxiety Attacks
Happen For Very Good Reasons

Authored by William G. DeFoore, Ph.D.

If you're having anxiety attacks, 
there is a very good reason for them, and you won't fully recover until you find out what that reason is. 

anxiety attacks

Learn to trust your body/mind system, understand the reason or "story" behind your anxiety, and you will have the peace of mindand emotional stability that you're looking for.

It's all a matter of emotional healing and emotional wellness. Anxiety is a condition, that results from unresolved emotional issus.

Hopefully, as a result of what you read and practice here, you will have a calmer, more positive perspective about yourself and your situation.

I encourage you to relax, and expect good things to happen for you here. 

What Really Causes Anxiety?

The good news here is that your anxiety attacks do not just mean that there's something wrong with you. And these problems don't mean you'll have to be on medication for the rest of your life--you might not even need medication at all! There is no magic pill--you will need to take some action.

From my 40+ years of professional experience, this is what causes anxiety attacks:

  • All of the emotional experiences you have had in your life are stored in your emotional brain.
  • Those emotions consist of joy, sorrow, pain, grief, love, other words, the full mix.
  • Anxiety comes from unexplored, unresolved and unexpressed pain, sorrow, fear and anger. This usually includes some kind of extreme or not-so-extreme trauma, such as child abuse, loss of a loved one, or serious injury from an accident or assault.
  • An anxiety attack is like an explosion coming from all of those suppressed emotions. It is like an electrical short circuit of emotion, that seems completely irrational and "out of the blue."
  • When you explore the story behind all of that pain, sorrow, fear and anger, it eases the pressure of those emotions and the anxiety subsides.

In my counseling practice, I have helped thousands of people overcome their anxiety with this approach. You can do it too!

You are, after all, your own best anger management resource for emotional healing of all kinds. Watch this video to learn how you can be a resource for healing your own anxiety and emotional problems

Claim Your Copy Of This Audio Program Now!

How Do You Stop The Anxiety Attacks?

I'm going to describe a process that works for a lot of people. You may or may not be able to do this on your own--that's for you to decide.

Anxiety is made up of thought and emotion, and we will address both here. Here are the steps:

  • Tell the story of your trauma. Nobody has to read it, but you have to write it if you want to heal. Dr. James Pennebaker's book, Opening Up: The Healing Power of Emotional Expressioncites research that demonstrates the benefits of this type of writing process.
  • Be sure and go into great detail about everything that happened. This helps to apply the "languaging" part of your brain to the emotional brain, bringing healing and resolution.
  • Come up with an image of your wounded, frightened self, ideally a child image. Make sure this image completely demonstrates the depth of the emotion you're trying to heal.
  • The Nurturing Your Inner Child program includes imagery processes for emotional healing, to address each traumatic memory. This will give you an opportunity to embrace, rescue and offer comfort and healing to the wounded and frightened parts of yourself.
  • Learn and practice these positive thinking processes to address the thought part of your panic and anxiety (all of the previous steps are for the emotional part).

This process works, if you use it. Like any set of tools, however, it is useless if you don't use it. If nothing else, it will help you get your thinking right. Learn more about types of anxiety attacks and some good approaches you can use.

Have you ever wanted to learn meditation? Here are two audio CD/download programs (below) that will not only teach you to meditate, they will help you with your emotional healing and preventing anxiety attacks. Try them now, with a full money-back guarantee! 

inner child

Affirmations & Visualizations For Self Love & Healing

Get this revised and updated version of Dr. DeFoore's classic CD/audio download program! Using a combination of visualization and affirmations, he will guide you on a journey of emotional healing that will lead to greater self esteem and self love. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with the tremendous value of your true, original nature and begin your journey to a joyful, fulfilling life.

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