October 15, 2017
Healing Anger Newsletter, Issue #113
Contents Of This Newsletter
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Are You Still In Rebellion?
If you are still rebelling, and that's where your anger comes from, then you're getting in your own way.
Rebellion goes along with a stage of child development...adolescence. As a matter of fact, the term "adolescent" often comes right before the term "rebellion."
Here's how you know if you're still in rebellion:
- A lot (or all) of your anger is directed toward someone in actual or perceived authority over you.
- You do a lot of complaining about "the system," or "the man," and you blame your problems on someone you see as above you in status or power.
- You see yourself as a victim of people with more power and freedom than you have.
- Your anger doesn't really accomplish anything, and sometimes just gets you in trouble.
- You define yourself by what you're against or opposed to.
What's the problem with that? Well...it will get you nowhere and keep you angry.
It's a sign of immaturity, and as an adult, it's time you started developing mature, grownup emotions that work for you and not against you.
If you're tired of fighting a losing battle, then you're probably ready to do some growing up, so that you can actually start getting to where you want to be.
"A sure sign of healthy, mature anger is focus, determination, strength and motivation to get the job done."
William DeFoore
The reward for growing up is greater freedom and responsibility, that literally put you in charge of your life.
A positive, optimistic attitude is a sign of
strength and intelligence, and when you combine that with calm, healthy, mature emotions, you have a powerhouse for effective growth and change.
Keep your positive connections working for you by discovering all of the ways to participate in the Goodfinding Community Online page.
What's A Better Way?
First, let's talk about how you get stuck in rebellion and how to get unstuck.
It starts with your first authority figures...parents and parental substitutes. Let's look at some things you
can do:
- Here is an exercise for getting clear and letting go of your parents. This is easier for some than others...you may want to get some counseling to help with the letting go.
- A lot of rebellion comes from the adolescent in you being angry about the abuse, abandonment and neglect of the child in you. Address this with inner child work.
- Read about the healthy angry man and that will give you an idea of what is involved in rising above your anger and
being emotionally healthy - these ideas apply as well to women.
- Finally, make up your mind that you're going to learn about and master healthy anger.
When anger is mature and healthy, it's nothing more and nothing less than powerful energy fueling effective action.
Life is tough, and only with all of your emotions working for you will you be able to create the life of health and happiness you choose.
This highly effective audio program, available as a CD or MP3 download, will help you understand healthy anger and how
to increase this great resource within you.
Take advantage of the free previews when you click on the image above, and the no-risk return policy that guarantees your satisfaction.
Welcome To New Subscribers
The Healing Anger Newsletter brings you a refreshing, helpful and upbeat approach to anger management and how it can work for you in every aspect of your life. Here is your chance to keep up with my (Dr. DeFoore here) latest discoveries and insights on anger management and how you can heal the anger in yourself, your family, your school and your workplace.
If you like this ezine, please do a friend and
me a big favor and "pay it forward" by forwarding it to them. If a friend did forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting the Healing Anger Newsletter subscription page.
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What's New On The Web Site?
New web pages for you. Read new contributions from good folks like you, such as
I'm Hurt And Can't Let Go by a woman who wants to get past revenge toward a former friend, and
I've Been Angry All My Life After Being Rejected And Abandoned As A Child by a woman trying to heal from childhood pain in her adult life.
We Have A Mobile Site. Please visit our site,
AngerManagementResource.com using your smart phone, and check out the mobile version of the site. I would really
appreciate your feedback -- just look for your favorite information, and see if you find it easy to navigate. Then
let me know what you think! Thanks in advance.
Check Out Our Facebook Page! It gives you all of the latest updates from Dr. DeFoore and visitors like you. To follow us on Facebook, just go to
Anger Management Resource by Dr. William DeFoore and click on "Like" at the top of the page -- or,
follow us on Twitter!
New Web Site! That's right, Dr. DeFoore (that's me) has created an all new web site that is all
about helping you feel good about yourself and the world around you.
Visit goodfinding.com and find lots of positive, upbeat perspectives to help you with your anger and every aspect of your life, and sign up for the
Goodfinding Newsletter, and/or the
Daily Goodfinding Quotes.
P.S. Why not make the rest of your life the best of your life? You can get started right now with Elegant Aging:
Growing Deeper, Stronger and Wiser.
P.P.S. Did you know that I offer telephone (including Skype and Face Time video phone) counseling around the world? That's right, from the comfort of your home, you can get professional counseling from me, Dr. William DeFoore. Contact us now to schedule a session!
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