Hi, learn how fear can make you stronger and safer.
How Fear Can Make You Strong And Safe Transform It Into Vigilance And Awareness
The Healing Anger Newsletter (skip to where the new issue starts) brings you a refreshing, helpful and upbeat approach to anger management and how it can work for you in every aspect of your life. Here is your chance to keep up with my (Dr. DeFoore here) latest discoveries and insights on anger management and how you can heal the anger in yourself, your family, your school and your workplace.
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Would you like to lend a helping hand? If you have purchased a book, CD or audio download, I would very much like to hear what you thought of your product! With your permission, I will publish your comments, with your name, on my web site to help other visitors like yourself learn more about the products. This would be a big help!
Oh! By the way, did you get your free E-book? If so, after you've had a chance to read it and try some of the Anger Management Techniques, write to me and let me know what you think!
May 1, 2012 Healing Anger Newsletter, Issue #048
How Your Fear Can Make You Stronger And Safer Learn To Use This Powerful Protective Mechanism
Contents of this newsletter

What's new on the web site?
A New Online Test The interactive Emotional Balance Sheet is now up and running. Here is where you take a look at your overall emotional health. Just like a financial balance sheet, the Emotional Balance Sheet will tell you whether you're operating at a surplus or deficit (of emotional energy, not money).
We have two other interactive online tests, one to assess your escalation patterns, and one to measure your depression level.
Check Out The New Look On Our Facebook Page! It gives you all of the latest updates from Dr. DeFoore and visitors like you. To follow us on Facebook, just go to Anger Management Resource by Dr. William DeFoore and click on "Like" at the top of the page--or, follow us on Twitter!
Visit Goodfinding.com, Dr. DeFoore's other web site. Find lots of positive, upbeat perspectives to help you with your anger management, and sign up for the Goodfinding Newsletter. Anger often comes from keeping a very negative focus--and here's your antidote!
How Does Fear Make You Stronger?
It's all a matter of how you respond to it. And that's the idea...you need to respond to it instead of reacting to it.
Most people have a knee-jerk, unconscious reaction to their fear, which puts it in charge. When you understand your fear and what's behind it, you can use it to become stronger and safer.
Here's a quick overview of the process:
- Your basic fears are connected to survival, identity and love.
- They come up when your life (or the life of a loved one) is threatened, when you are at risk of embarrassment, and when you're afraid of losing the love and affection of a loved one.
- If you don't know or understand these fears, they rule you, causing you to do things that you really don't want to do (like have huge anger outbursts).
- By learning to understand your fears and heal the pain behind them, you transform the fear into vigilance and awareness, that make you stronger and safer.
- The final step is when you learn to develop healthy anger, which enables you to take powerful, effective action to protect yourself and create healthy relationships.
The two main focal points here are healing the pain behind the fear and developing healthy anger.
Now let's look at some steps you can take to transform your fear into vigilance and awareness.
What Are The Steps I Need To Take?
Vigilance and awareness is cool. There's no two ways about it. You can be totally relaxed, calm and focused while being vigilant and aware. That is healthy fear.
Here are the steps:
- First, make a list of your major fears. You have to be very honest with yourself here, because most of us are afraid of fear. It takes courage to face your fears, and pretending you don't have any fear will only make you weak and vulnerable to anybody who pushes your buttons.
- Next, figure out what the story is behind each of your fears. Write this out, so that you really get focused on it.
- Once you know what the story is, use these imagery processes to heal the pain behind your fear.
- Then learn about healthy anger, and begin practicing the skills to use this powerful emotion to reach your positive goals in your life and relationships.
- Finally, become a powerful, positive focuser by using this Goodfinding journaling process to stay aware of what is good, right and working in your life.
Imagine having all of the emotional energy of your fear and anger working for you instead of against you. That is true, healthy personal power.
Healthy fear is vigilance and awareness, and healthy anger is powerful effective action. That is all yours, for the asking. And it all lives inside you, your best anger management resource.
This audio CD program, also available for download as an MP3 file to play on your computer, iPod or other MP3 player, will take you through all of the steps to develop healthy anger, which is good for your health and all of your relationships. Plus, it will help you reach your life goals!
P.S. Why not make the rest of your life the best of your life? You can get started right now with Elegant Aging: Growing Deeper, Stronger and Wiser.
P.P.S. Did you know that I offer telephone (including Skype video phone) counseling around the world? That's right, from the comfort of your home, you can get professional counseling from me, Dr. William DeFoore. Contact us now to schedule a session!
Next Issue
Make Light Of Your Situation
Let me hear from you!
Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply to this ezine and tell me what you think! If you have ideas for future Healing Anger Newsletter issues, I'm open to considering them. Here is your opportunity to get involved--I might even include your comments, story or link in a future issue of this ezine.
Also, as I mentioned above I would very much like your testimonial or endorsement if you have purchased a product--or if you downloaded our free E-book!
Don't forget! We want to hear your story, and when you submit it you get your own web page on the site! Take a look at the categories you can write in now. It's easy!
Thanks for being here!
William G. DeFoore
Disclosure: William DeFoore is an authorized affiliate of Legacy Publishing Company, A.J. Novick Group, Inc.,
Think Right Now International, Inc., SiteSell, Inc. and the Institute of HeartMath.