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Dr. DeFoore's Healing Anger Newsletter entitled "Affirmations For Healthy Anger"
June 15, 2016

Healthy Anger Affirmations
Bring Healing And Empowerment


June 15, 2016
Healing Anger Newsletter, Issue #097

Contents of this newsletter

How Do Affirmations Work?

Your mind has been programmed, mostly on a subconscious level, all of your life. Much of that programming is negative, and might be the cause of anger, frustration and anxiety.

You can take charge of that programming from this point forward, and weed out the self-limiting beliefs that get in the way of your happiness.

This is how (and why) affirmations work when they're done right:

  • You're always affirming one thing or another, whether you realize it or not. When you worry and focus on stuff you don't like, for example, you're affirming those negative feelings that go along with not liking something.

  • The first step is to get rid of those old negative beliefs that are holding you back. Positive, empowering beliefs will have no benefit if there is a strong, negative background program running.

  • Trace each negative belief back to its origin (some kind of pain or trauma), and use these imagery processes to heal those memories...this helps to clear the negative background program.

  • Now you can start daily repetition of as many positive, encouraging, uplifting affirmations as you can think of.

Think of it this way...

"Create deeply embedded habits of positive self talk, and you will see your happiness grow daily."

William DeFoore

Like any skill, the more you practice these affirmations, the easier it will become to just think in a positive way automatically.

These are the nuts and bolts of self love and self esteem. The better you feel about yourself, the more likely you will be to manage your anger and treat others with respect.

Get New Affirmations Every Day In Your Inbox

This is nothing less than taking charge of your own thoughts and emotions. You absolutely cannot overestimate the power of this conscious effort to master your subconscious processes.

healthy anger

What Are Some Good Healthy Anger Affirmations?

With no further adieu, let's jump right into the affirmations. Copy these, and add your own. Keep growing and repeating your list of affirmations until they become an automatic part of your thought processes.

  • I am a good person, and there is nothing wrong with my emotions.

  • I choose to understand and heal the cause of my pain, fear and anger so that I can act wisely and consciously when something triggers these emotions.

  • My anger is my protector, and I choose to understand and honor this powerful emotion.

  • I am learning to express my anger and all of my emotions in healthy ways, so that they become fuel for effective action.

  • My anger does not justify hurting anyone, myself included.

  • My healthy anger is powerful energy, and I choose to align it with my wisdom, my good heart and my values so that it serves me well in reaching my goals and becoming the person I was born to be.

  • I am transforming my healthy anger into calm, focused determination to be a healthy, happy and loving person with excellent boundaries.

The absolute, all-time best way to work with affirmations is through journaling. Learn the guidelines for effective journaling here.

Now get started writing, repeating and expanding upon these affirmations, and notice how much better you feel.


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This highly effective audio program, available as a CD or MP3 download, will help you understand your anger and use it to fuel positive action in the directions you choose.

Take advantage of the free previews, and the no-risk return policy that guarantees your satisfaction.

Welcome To New Subscribers

The Healing Anger Newsletter brings you a refreshing, helpful and upbeat approach to anger management and how it can work for you in every aspect of your life. Here is your chance to keep up with my (Dr. DeFoore here) latest discoveries and insights on anger management and how you can heal the anger in yourself, your family, your school and your workplace.

If you like this ezine, please do a friend and me a big favor and "pay it forward" by forwarding it to them. If a friend did forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting the Healing Anger Newsletter subscription page.

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What's New On The Web Site?

New web pages for you. Read new contributions from good folks like you, such as Don't Let Me Become My Mother by a young mother of two small children who is determined not to be abusive like her mother was, and I Just Want To Know What To Do by a woman in a relationship with an alcoholic man, looking for answers.

We Have A Mobile Site. Please visit our site, using your smart phone, and check out the mobile version of the site. I would really appreciate your feedback -- just look for your favorite information, and see if you find it easy to navigate. Then let me know what you think! Thanks in advance.

Check Out Our Facebook Page! It gives you all of the latest updates from Dr. DeFoore and visitors like you. To follow us on Facebook, just go to Anger Management Resource by Dr. William DeFoore and click on "Like" at the top of the page -- or, follow us on Twitter!

New Web Site! That's right, Dr. DeFoore (that's me) has created an all new web site that is all about helping you feel good about yourself and the world around you. Visit and find lots of positive, upbeat perspectives to help you with your anger and every aspect of your life, and sign up for the Goodfinding Newsletter, and/or the Daily Goodfinding Quotes.

P.S. Why not make the rest of your life the best of your life? You can get started right now with Elegant Aging: Growing Deeper, Stronger and Wiser.

P.P.S. Did you know that I offer telephone (including Skype and Face Time video phone) counseling around the world? That's right, from the comfort of your home, you can get professional counseling from me, Dr. William DeFoore. Contact us now to schedule a session!

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